Barakat Exploration Inc v Taipan Resource Inc [2020] eKLR Case Summary

Court: High Court of Kenya at Nairobi

Category: Civil

Judge(s): Justice Maureen A. Odero

Judgment Date: June 05, 2020

Country: Kenya

Document Type: PDF

Number of Pages: 3

 Case Summary    Full Judgment     


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Explore the case summary of Barakat Exploration Inc v Taipan Resource Inc [2020] eKLR. This detailed analysis highlights key legal principles, implications, and outcomes relevant to the case.

Case Brief: Barakat Exploration Inc v Taipan Resource Inc [2020] eKLR

1. Case Information:
- Name of the Case: Barakat Exploration Inc. v. Taipan Resource Inc.
- Case Number: Civil Case No. 738 of 2018
- Court: High Court of Kenya at Nairobi, Commercial & Tax Division
- Date Delivered: 5th June 2020
- Category of Law: Civil
- Judge(s): Justice Maureen A. Odero
- Country: Kenya

2. Questions Presented:
The court was tasked with resolving the following legal issues:
1. Was there an enforceable agreement between Barakat Exploration Inc. and Taipan Resource Inc.?
2. If so, did Taipan Resource Inc. breach said agreement?
3. Is Barakat Exploration Inc. entitled to the orders sought in the suit?

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