Court: High Court of Kenya at Embu
Category: Criminal
Judge(s): F. Muchemi
Judgment Date: August 18, 2020
Country: Kenya
Document Type: PDF
Number of Pages: 3
Explore the Patrick Mwangi Kinyua v Republic [2020] eKLR case summary, highlighting key legal principles and outcomes from this significant judgment. Ideal for legal professionals and students alike.Case Brief: Patrick Mwangi Kinyua v Republic [2020] eKLR 1. Case Information:- Name of the Case: Patrick Mwangi Kinyua v. Republic- Case Number: Criminal Revision No. 11 of 2020- Court: High Court of Kenya at Embu- Date Delivered: August 18, 2020- Category of Law: Criminal- Judge(s): F. Muchemi- Country: Kenya 2. Questions Presented:The central legal issues presented before the court were whether the proceedings and orders issued by the trial court on November 12, 2019, were a nullity in law due to the prosecution's failure to provide the defense with all relevant evidence prior to the trial, thereby infringing on the applicant's right to a fair hearing....................
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